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Title LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN
  • E.N. Shaposhnikova, J. Coupard, H. Damerau, A. Funken, S.S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, K. Hanke, L. Kobzeva, A.M. Lombardi, D. Manglunki, S. Mataguez, M. Meddahi, B. Mikulec, G. Rumolo, R. Scrivens, M. Vretenar
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Abstract A mas­sive im­prove­ment pro­gram of the LHC in­jec­tor chain is presently being con­ducted under the LIU pro­ject. For the pro­ton chain, this in­cludes the re­place­ment of Linac2 with Linac4 as well as all nec­es­sary up­grades to the Pro­ton Syn­chro­tron Booster (PSB), the Pro­ton Syn­chro­tron (PS) and Super Pro­ton Syn­chro­tron (SPS), aimed at pro­duc­ing beams with the chal­leng­ing High Lu­mi­nos­ity LHC (HL-LHC) pa­ra­me­ters. Re­gard­ing the heavy ions, plans to im­prove the per­for­mance of Linac3 and the Low En­ergy Ion Ring (LEIR) are also pur­sued under the gen­eral LIU pro­gram. The full LHC in­jec­tion chain re­turned to op­er­a­tion after Long Shut­down 1, with ex­tended beam stud­ies tak­ing place in Run 2. A gen­eral pro­ject Cost and Sched­ule Re­view also took place in March 2015, and sev­eral ded­i­cated LIU pro­ject re­views were held to ad­dress is­sues await­ing pend­ing de­ci­sions. In view of these de­vel­op­ments, 2014 and 2015 have been key years to de­fine a num­ber of im­por­tant as­pects of the final LIU path. This paper will de­scribe the re­viewed LIU roadmap and re­vised per­for­mance ob­jec­tives of the main up­grades, in­clud­ing the work sta­tus and out­look in terms of the re­quired in­stal­la­tion and com­mis­sion­ing stages.
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Conference IPAC2016, Busan, Korea
Series International Particle Accelerator Conference (7th)
Proceedings Link to full IPAC2016 Proccedings
Session Poster Session
Date 09-May-16   16:00–18:00
Main Classification 04 Hadron Accelerators
Sub Classification A17 High Intensity Accelerators
Keywords ion, injection, proton, linac, brightness
Publisher JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Editors Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Dong Eon Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Kyung Sook Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); In Soo Ko (POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2
Published June 2016
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