Abstract SubmissionThe submission of abstracts is possible when: Option 1The system parameter Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / User / Accepting Abstracts is set to "Yes". This makes visible a link "Submit A New Abstract" for any person who logs into the conference instance of the SPMS. The url is: http://{conference instance}/JACoW.new_abstract Option 2The system parameter above is set to "No", but the system parameter Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / Conference / Invitation Only Conference is set to "Yes" for an invitation only conference, and the names of the invitees have been entered via the screen: Overall Database Administration / Invitees Abstract SubmissionBefore opening abstract submission, it is necessary to: Check the Presentation TypeCheck that only the presentation types that should be visible are in fact visible to all. Go to Scientific Program Administration / Presentation Type (Contributions) Usually only "poster" or "contributed oral if requested" should be visible to all potential contributors. In the column "Editor Only":
Check the Main Plus Sub-ClassificationsMain and sub-classifications are used to refine the classification of contributions. For instance, creating a main classification "Technology", with sub-classifications "RF", "Vacuum", "Cryogenics", "Magnets", etc., will facilitate the automatic scheduling of for example poster presentations over the period of the conference. It enables a finer search on contributions. If the conference is using main classifications only, set the system parameter at Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / User / Sub-Classification Required to "No". If the conference is using main plus sub-classifications, set the system parameter at Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / User / Sub-Classification Required to "Yes". Main and sub-classifications are entered into the screens Scientific Program Administration / Classifications / Main Classifications and Scientific Program Administration / Classifications / Sub Classifications Length of Abstract TextThe default lengths of Abstract text, footnotes and funding agencies are limited to 1200, 200, and 200 characters respectively. To change the lengths, go to Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / SPMS Configuration and customize these parameters. |