Building the Program: Contribution CodesThis screen is used to define the types of presentations of contributions to the conference programme. Information is entered into the screen
By default, the screen is set to the following, but it can be modified by the administrator.
Some conferences include other types of presentation types, for example 5-minute oral posters, oral if selected, etc. The different types of contribution are for either "oral" or "poster" presentation; indicate this in the column "Presentation Type Code". Enter the maximum number of pages for contributions to the proceedings for each presentation type, generally five pages for invited orals and three pages for all other presentation types. This number is seen in the editor QA screen, to be modified by editors of the proceedings when checking the length of contributions. This number on the final contribution to the proceedings is also used in the JPSP scripts to calculate the page numbers of the whole set of proceedings. The column "Editor Only" defines the presentation description that is seen by contributors when they submit abstracts via the abstract submission screen in the Presentation Type field. For example, if the organizers consider that all contributions submitted in response to the call for papers should be assumed for poster presentation, then the line for Poster (presentation type code) and Editor Only column should be set to "No", while the other presentation types would be set to "Yes". In this way, submitting authors will only have the option "Poster" to choose from. If the organizers wish to know whether authors would be willing to make an oral presentation, if the contribution were selected for this type of presentation, then these types of presentation should also be set to "No" in the Editor Only column. Any presentation types that should only be decided by the administrator/editor/SPC should be set to "Yes" in the Editor Only column. The column "Reclassify" is used to identify the types of presentation susceptible to being reclassified, in case the submitting author has wrongly classified the contribution. In this way, certain contribution types, usually posters, should be modifiable by the persons assigned this privilege, usually SPC members or session coordinators (see Privileges, Roles & Users). The column "Sort Order" controls where each option appears in drop-down lists and on reports. The default sort is on the long description (contributed, oral, poster). Using the sort order allows you to change the default. The column "Include in Paper", if selected, will add the short code of the presentation type to the programme code. It is added just before the sequence number. |