JACoW Template and Citation ReviewContact: Jan Chrin (Paul Scherrer Institut) An updated template for JACoW was introduced in 2016 in time for IPAC'16, the first of the year's conferences. Among the many changes, a summary of which is outlined in the following, perhaps the biggest was in adopting the IEEE Transactions Style for Transactions and Journal for references. ResponsibleThe content of the template is the responsibility of the JACoW collaboration. The implementation of the specifications for the various document processing software tools are managed by those listed in Table 1, to whom any corrections should be addressed. Table 1: Supported Word Processing Programs and Template Managers
Template Workshop 27 Nov. 2017I. Andrian (ELETTRA), J. Chrin (PSI), R. Dowd (ANSTO), M. Montes-Loera (SLAC), T. Satogata (JLAB), V. R. W. Schaa (GSI), N. White (ANSTO) 1) A few mistakes in templates (JACoW style guide) identified and to be corrected for next release Example of a lazy reference that would necessity editing: Template Workshop (Cont.)Chief Conference Editor strongly encouraged to email authors 4 weeks before deadline reminding them of the use of template, with particular emphasis on formatting references. Likely to result in an enormous improvement! :) Error Log from SPMSTable 2: A Comparison of SPMS Error Log Report for Recent IPAC Conferences
Work FlowChanges to be made in Word (Jan) Propagated to: LaTeX (Volker), Mac (Todd), OpenDocument (Ivan) Maggie (Word, Mac) and Jan (LaTeX, OpenDocument) to proof Template ChangesAuthors and Institute ListingWhere authors have multiple institutes, the secondary affiliation is indicated with a superscript against the author's name. The secondary affiliation is placed in a separate line below the main block of the author/affiliation listing. Author/Institute listings should be written in a consistent form as illustrate in Annex A of the template HyphenationHyphenation in Word and OpenDocument has now been activated. In Word the procedure is: Page Layout ->Hyphenation ->Automatic Footnote on Page 1A space has been added after the superscript. Template Changes (cont.)Figure CaptionsA simpler procedure for inserting figure and table captions is described in the Word/OpenDocument template under Figures, Tables, and Equations on page 2. TablesA table heading should have the initial letters of the principle words capitalized. If the caption has multiple sentences, then only the first sentence is reformatted to initial capitals if appropriate. In Word, the top/bottom lines only have a thickness of 1 pt. All other intermediate lines have a thickness of 0.5 pt. In LaTeX, \toprule, \bottomrule, and \midrule is used. Template Changes (cont.)UnitsA subsection entitled 'Units' has been added on page 3. Essentially a 'thin space' is required to precede the unit, e.g., 7 GeV, 4 μm (note μ is not slanted). In LaTeX, '\,' is used. Ideally the digit and the unit should not be broken if possible. This subsection is mainly aimed at contributions from Asia where the norm is to join the unit to the number, e.g., 7GeV (not advocated) Third-level HeadingsIn Word, the third-level heading is appended with a 1 em space. Insert→Symbols→Em Space; appears as a blank in the selection options; identity is revealed with a mouse-over. Summary of StylesThe only change to Table 2, which lists the various styles, is the freedom to select the spacing after/before figure/table captions. Word/OpenDocument editors should take note that when a section, subsection or table heading is at the top of a column, then the before-space should be removed, i.e., 0 pt. Template Changes (cont.)References: Font Size, URLs, and AlignmentThe font size has been changed to 9 pt in Word and OpenDocument. References should at the very least be neat and properly aligned using the indentations given in Annex B of the template and written in a consistent form. Special attention is given to URLs. Note that a monospace font is used (e.g. in Word, Lucinda Sans Typewriter, 7.5pt) and periods at the end of the url are omitted unless there is a trailing '/'. References: IEEE Transactions Style for Transactions and JournalThe IEEE Transaction Style has been adopted for references. See Annex B of template. |