[ Show as SlideShow ] Life Cycle of JACoW Tools, SPMS Instance and Publication to JACoW.orgSpeaker: Ronny Billen (CERN) This is the full powerpoint presentation, the context and essentials are extracted below. The presentation also includes details and statistics over the 2020-2021 period, namely:
JACoW ToolsSPMS - Scientific Program Management System Central Repository - Master copy of the data (persons, profiles,...)
Conference Instance - Conference specific data (contributions, attendees,...)
Web-deployed interface - role-based access to interactions with the data
Underlying Oracle RDBMS, hosted at three Regional Support Centers
File server for conference contributions Hosted at PSI for the EMEA region (Guru = Jan Chrin)
Conference Proceedings Web-Publishing Files: PDF papers, html links, photos,... generated per conference its the Editor
Hosted at CERN and KEK
Dedicated JACoW search engine at CERN
JACoW.org website Web access to published Conference Proceedings
Everything you wanted to know about JACoW
Hosted at Elettra (Guru = Stefano Deiuri)
Lifetime of an SPMS Instance for a ConferenceCreation after formal acceptance of Terms and Conditions Creation of dedicated Oracle database account
Creation of database objects (latest SPMS version from SourceFourge)
Creation of web accessibility (Database Access Descriptors)
Initial configuration (title, dates, logo, coordinator email, email server,...)
Hand over SPMS administration to conference coordinator
During the period of exploitation Access via web interfaces for Administrator and Users
Automatic synchronization with central repository
Assistance from Regional Support Center and experts
After the conference Conference proceedings generation, including a DOI per paper
Repatriation: upload essential data into the Central Repository
Disable synchronization jobs; disable public access to the SPMS Conference instance
Support Activities at the Regional Support Center (RSC) - The back-officeSPMS Hosting and Database Administration Initial deployment of each SPMS instance for each conference in the Region
-> Download latest source code on SourceForge
Maintain operational functionality until (at least) proceedings publication
-> Provide first-line technical support for SPMS questions, problems and announcements
-> Ensure connectivity between central repository and (remote) instances
-> usually requiring 2nd and 3rd line support from IT services
Interact and communicate with other SPMS DBAs at RSCs
One RSC per Region EMEA Region - Hosted at CERN, managed by Ronny Billen
-> Also the Central Repository
Asia-Pacific Region - Hosted at KEK, managed by Takashi Kosuge
Americas - was hosted at FNAL, managed by Matt Arena - discontinued since March 2020 and migrated to KEK
-> Matt was also main developer, debugger, bug fixer, guru, only person with access to all SPMS instances
SPMS Status board of Conference instances https://oraweb.cern.ch/pls/jacow/conf_list.html - accessible to everybody!
Conference Proceedings PublishingProceedings Generation by Conference Editor Following step-by-step the proceedings generation scripts gives the right result
The Editor sends the zip file to Ronny Billen
QA workflow for publication on JACoW.org Unzip on local desktop, check the generated site
-> No external links, metadata in pdf files, DOIs correct,...
-> Iterate with the Editor until no mistakes are found
Copy files on server at CERN
Inform Kazuro Furukawa to copy the files on the server at KEK
Update metadata & news on jacow.org on server @Elettra
Provide technical support questions, issues and problems
-> mainly on search, find and to-be-corrected papers