Running the Editing Office and the Overall Processing of PapersContact: Volker Schaa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) This page provides information about overall management of the proceedings office during a conference. The details of specific tasks such as paper editing and slides processing are available at the following links.
The effective running of an Editorial Office and the processing of papers for compliance to the JACoW standard is at the heart of the JACoW activities. There are effective methods and setups which have evolved over many conferences to undertake this processing in an effective way. The role of the Chief Editor is not just that of an editor but of a Team Leader who first knows his conference specifics, prepares for conference needs, and monitors the stats to ensure the task is completed before all resources are lost. Volker Schaa's presentation "Technical Process of Producing a Proceedings" is a good place to learn about the whole process from managing which papers get processed first to running scripts to catch errors as soon as possible to posting the pre-publication proceedings on (hopefully) the last day of the conference. |