Reclassify AbstractsFollowing abstract submission and abstract quality assurance, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC):
It is wise to FIRST check the classifications, before proposing orals since the job of proposing oral presentations is then simplified. Experience shows that around 15% of contributions submitted are wrongly classified for various reasons. This has to be corrected before moving on to selecting orals. Usually, all SPC members are able to propose abstracts for reclassification, but the privilege to accept/reject proposals is assigned to a limited number of persons (see further below). To Enable Proposals for Abstract ReclassificationAbstract submission should be set to "No" via the system parameter
Set to "Yes":
In the screen
The above will allow ALL SPC members to propose reclassification of all abstracts. Assign Privileges to Accept Proposals for Abstract ReclassificationVia the screen
For each main classification, search for each individual who should have the privilege to approve proposals for reclassification via the "Search for an Account" and assign the privilege "May approve abstract re-classification proposals" from the list of privileges. It is customary to enter the SPC chair, the editor, and the person who should be assigned this privilege for each main classification. In the table of authorized experts, the names of the persons appear, and it is possible to enter "Yes" or "No" to propose and approve. Instructions to Authorized Persons to Propose ReclassificationsLog into your account via your JACoW profile at http://{conference url}/profile.html Click on the privilege: Propose Classification Changes Click on the blue link "Program Committee Access" and in the following search screen:
Decide whether you wish to:
Begin with the first option to decide whether abstracts need to be reclassified. The second option is used more to review those with a proposed change, before approval or rejection of proposals. The third option is to provide a last check that all contributions are correctly classified. Click on "submit", and then scroll through the search results. The blue links "Propose New Classification" is used to propose the new classification (select the new main plus sub-classification).
All proposals will be visible to all, along with the name of the proposer. The persons with the privilege to accept proposals, will have selected the session coordinators and will see two further links: "Accept" "Reject". As mentioned previously, it is advisable to reclassify all abstracts before making proposals for a change in presentation type ("promotion" from poster to contributed oral). |