Sub-classificationsContact: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz Setting Up Classifications Sub-classifications are used alone or in combination with main classifications. Enter sub-classifications into the screen Scientific Program Administration / Classifications / Sub Classifications Used together with main classifications, a higher degree of refinement of the subject/topic of the paper presented to the conference is obtained. Taking the European PAC as an example, there are 8+1 main classifications:
Taking as an example 01 Circular Accelerators Sub-classifications associated with this main classifications will range from A01 Hadron Accelerators A02 Lepton Accelerators A14 Advanced Concepts etc. The bonus for using main plus sub-classifications is that it is easier to schedule poster presentations using the SPMS functionality to assign poster programme codes in a more refined manner. For example, the sub-classification Advanced Concepts can be combined with 01 Circular Accelerators, or 02 Synchrotron Light Sources and FELs, or 03 Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators, and New Acceleration Techniques etc. This means that papers on Advanced Concepts (sub-classification A14) can be grouped