IPAC'18 Debrief
Session Chair: Eugene Tan
11:00 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
IPAC is the largest conference in the JACoW collaboration and utilises e very part of the collaboration. This report will give a detailed analysis of the undertakings, and activities which went on to bring IPAC'18 together, and advice to other conferences and future IPAC based on the recent experience.
11:40 | Speaker: Takashi Kosuge - KEK
Brief report on the staffing and activities that were carried out in the speaker ready area of IPAC'18, any problems and solutions that came about.
11:50 | Speaker: Jana Thomson - TRIUMF
IPAC is the largest conference in the JACoW collaboration and uses the skills of many members of the collaboration. This talk will report on the activities before, during and after to bring IPAC'18 together.
12:10 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC
Since Jab hosted IPAC, there has been ongoing solutions and development of mobile applications that delegates can use to access information throughout the conference. This also serves as a platform for advertising, reducing the need for programme books, and gives the delegate extra user experience in organising their participation. This talk will talk about the latest solution which was used at IPAC'17, and advise and direction to the future of this tool.