
Contact: Volker RW Schaa, GSI

Several scripts have been developed by the collaboration to make proceedings production easier.


Conference Website Scripts (JICT)

Contact: Stefano Deiuri (ELETTRA)

Conference Website Scripts (CWS) - SPMS OLD VERSION

Contact: Stefano Deiuri (ELETTRA)

JPSP "Wrapper" Scripts

Wrappers are the finishing touches of a conference proceedings package and usually include the following:

  • Poster/logo (jpg)
  • Preface (PDF/HTML)
  • List of participants (PDF/HTML)
  • Organizational information such as committees (PDF/HTML)
  • Photos (80 to 100 maximum or less than 5% of the scientific content)

The JACoW team has put together scripts to help conference editors combine these items with their conference papers and slides:

Upload / Download Scripts