The JACoW Collaboration Charter v1.2 (20150112)
Basic Organisation
- The collaboration will comprise representatives of member conferences and institutes, the team and the board of directors.
- An honorary position of president of the collaboration may be created if it is felt that this will benefit the collaboration. In such a case, the board will invite the nominee to assume this position.
- Member conferences should nominate representatives for a rolling set of three conferences: the previous, current, and future. The change-over being at the point when the current conference has taken place.
- The team will comprise a rolling set of editors from member conferences (previous, current, and future), co-opted experts, and JACoW officers. Officers are people carrying out an officially named role in the team such as chair or regional representative.
The list of JACoW officers will be defined by the team and must include a chair, deputy chair, coordinator and regional representatives. The list of all officially named roles (positions) is available at Members and Roles. The chair and deputy(ies) chair may be selected from outside the team.
- Certain officers will automatically become members of the board of directors - the chair, deputy chair, the coordinator and regional representatives. The board of directors will be chaired by the JACoW chair and will comprise the directors (who are not necessarily members of the team but are elected by the team), deputy chair, coordinator and regional representatives. The board may appoint other officers, such as the repository manager, to serve on the board. The chair will have a vote on the board, and decisions will be reached by simple majority of votes cast by board members.
Conferences Joining the Collaboration
Applications for membership from conference series must be approved by the board of directors. Each conference applying for membership must agree to the basic requirements for publication and agree to contribute proceedings to the website for at least three consecutive conferences. Each conference must also agree to send the relevant people to the annual team meetings. Proposed changes to the basic requirements will be communicated to the series representatives, and an acknowledgement/response will be required.
Election of Officers
The JACoW Team elects the Chair, Deputy Chair, Coordinator and other Directors by a simple majority of votes cast in a secret ballot. The positions (titles and outline roles) for JACoW officers are defined at About the JACoW Collaboration. Nominations for all officers will be made by the team and/or the board of directors, with the exception of the board members (Directors) who are nominated by the team. Nominations will be sent to an election coordinator
(who is nominated by the current chair). The election coordinator will confirm that the nominees are able and willing to serve in the position for which they have been nominated. One person may serve in more than one office (e.g., a regional representative may also be serving as coordinator).
Elections are normally to be held at the annual team meeting. In exceptional circumstances and when approved by the board, an electronic election organised by the election coordinator could be held.
Board members will serve mandates of up to three years, for a maximum of two consecutive mandates (six years consecutive, but may serve for another period of up to six consecutive years following a one-year break).
Appointments will be made and reviewed by the team at the annual team meeting.
Modus Operandi
- It is the responsibility of the editors or editorial board of the conference, or a person designated by the chair of the Scientific Programme Committee of the relevant conference to prepare a set of proceedings for their conference that complies with JACoW requirements and to deliver them to the JACoW webmaster.
- The existence of JACoW does not detract from the rights of individual conference organisers to publish their proceedings on other web sites, storage media, or hard copies of their choice.
- The board of directors is the decision-making body and manages the collaboration. The board of directors will review the aims and objectives of the collaboration at least once per year. The role of the directors will be to participate in the decision making and management of the JACoW collaboration, and they will bring expertise and issues to the board.
- The team will meet at least once per year to review technical matters and to discuss administrative and operational aspects of the collaboration. Technical issues may be discussed in separate/break out meetings.
The collaboration will report annually to the stakeholders at an open meeting. The primary stakeholders are the institutes and the accelerator community that use JACoW. The chair will present a report on the collaboration’s activities during the year at the annual meeting, and the stakeholders can raise issues if they wish.
Institutes will be invited to nominate a representative for JACoW, and this person will receive relevant information from the collaboration and a specific invitation to the annual stakeholders meeting.
The board of directors may decide to withdraw from publication or prevent publication of a conference series if a conference fails to meet its obligations to the collaboration.