Accent Characters

The search tool is sensitive to accent charters such as the umlaut double dots such as ö. These charters can be written into the typically author field using alt codes such as Alt + 0246 for the o umlunt.

This is achieved holding down the Alt Key on a Windows computer, and simultaneously typing the number code including the leading zero, then releasing the Alt Key. The character should then appear.

Note that some authors modified their names to replace the umlunt by placing a trailing e. For example Böge may have been written as Boege by the author.

Table of Alt Codes

Alt CodesSymbolDescriptionAlt CodesSymbolDescription
Alt 0192ÀA graveAlt 0224àa grave
Alt 0193ÁA acuteAlt 0225áa acute
Alt 0194ÂA circumflexAlt 0226âa circumflex
Alt 0195ÃA tildeAlt 0227ãa tilde
Alt 0196ÄA umlautAlt 0228äa umlaut
Alt 0199ÇC cedillaAlt 0231çc cedilla
Alt 0200ÈE graveAlt 0232èe grave
Alt 0201ÉE acuteAlt 0233ée acute
Alt 0202ÊE circumflexAlt 0234êe circumflex
Alt 0203ËE umlautAlt 0235ëe umlaut
Alt 0204ÌI graveAlt 0236ìi grave
Alt 0205ÍI acuteAlt 0237íi acute
Alt 0206ÎI circumflexAlt 0238îi circumflex
Alt 0207ÏI umlautAlt 0239ïi umlaut
Alt 165ÑN tildeAlt 164ñn tilde
Alt 0210ÒO graveAlt 0242òo grave
Alt 0211ÓO acuteAlt 0243óo acute
Alt 0212ÔO circumflexAlt 0244ôo circumflex
Alt 0213ÕO tildeAlt 0245õo tilde
Alt 0214ÖO umlautAlt 0246öo umlaut
Alt 0138ŠS caronAlt 0154šs caron
Alt 0218ÚU acuteAlt 0249ùu grave
Alt 0219ÛU circumflexAlt 0250úu acute
Alt 0220ÜU umlautAlt 0251ûu circumflex
Alt 0217ÙU graveAlt 0252üu umlaut
Alt 0221ÝY acuteAlt 0253ýy acute
Alt 0159ŸY umlautAlt 0255ÿy umlaut
Alt 0142ŽZ caronAlt 0158žz caron