Formatting CitationsBasicsJACoW is using a reference style that is based on “IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters” (IEEEtran) [1]. These are the recommendations for citations/references (see ANNEX B [2]):
Author ListingCareful attention should be given to the placing of commas and the use of ‘and’ in the author list (see rules below). In particular, for the case of six or more authors (as in ANNEX B Ref. [3]), a comma also follows the penultimate author. The preference for “et al.” takes precedence when the number of authors becomes large (e.g., >6). Syntax and Punctuation in Author Listings
Author name only in this sequence: first name initial [+ middle name initial(s)] + full last name
1++: "one author + et al.," ⟿ no comma before "et al."
⟿ "T. Adams et al.,"
2: "first author and second author," ⟿ no comma before "and"
⟿ "T. Adams and J.C. Smith,"
3+: "first author, second author, and third author," ⟿ ", and" with comma before last author
⟿ "T. Adams, S. Baker, and J.C. Smith,"
3++: "first author, second author, et al.," ⟿ comma before "et al." only if more than one name
⟿ "T. Adams, S. Baker, C. Cross, J.C. Smith, et al.,"
Paper TitleAs is modern practice in references, the title of the paper is written in sentence case, i.e., only the initial letter of the first word in the title is capitalized. Proper nouns, however, also have a capital. Capital letters appearing in acronyms likewise remain unaltered. Conference ProceedingsThe proceedings title is written in title case in italics using standard abbreviations, such as Int. and Conf. The preposition, “in”, in normal font, precedes the proceedings title. The location, i.e., city, state (if USA), and country of the conference venue, the month (three-letter abbreviation) and the year the conference took place, is then listed. Finally, details pertaining to the paper itself, such as the conference paper ID and mandatory page numbers are given. The conference paper ID is optional, and may be included in the interest of facilitating a search through internet search engines. The complete or abbreviated form for citations, as shown in the following section, is recommended. The former is more informative to readers outside the immediate conference sphere. Both forms, however, ensure a proper import into digital libraries and information sources such as INSPIRE, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Authors are also reminded to make a distinction between papers published in JACoW proceedings (which will always have page numbers) and those papers that may have been presented at past JACoW conferences but were not published (as in ANNEX B Ref. [4]). References to contributions presented at the same conference should be written as shown in (as in ANNEX B Ref. [5]); the wording “this conference” may be optionally appended. Referencing Periodicals and Other SourcesThe IEEE style is also shown for periodicals (as in ANNEX B Refs. [6-11]), online sources (as Ref. [12]), books (as Refs. [13, 14]), internal reports (as Ref. [15]), theses (as Ref. [16]), manuals or handbooks (as Ref. [17]), patents (as Ref. [18]) and unpublished material (as Refs. [19, 20]). Alignment of ReferencesEntries to the References section follow a hanging in-dent structure. In this way, reference numbers in the first line of each reference entry are right aligned, while subsequent lines within a given reference are indented by a specified amount. The indentation values for Word are shown in Table 1 (see ANNEX B, Alignment of References, Table 1 [2) and depend on whether the number of references exceeds single digit values. In the LaTeX template, Examples from ANNEX BPaper Published in a Conference ProceedingsComplete Form
Conference Proceedings, two authors; with DOI
Conference Proceedings, for more than six authors use “et al.”; with DOI, paper ID is optional
Conference Proceedings, four authors; with DOI and optional paper ID Abbreviated Form
Conference Proceedings, two authors; with DOI and optional paper ID
Conference Proceedings, for more than six authors use “et al.”; with DOI and paper ID is optional
Conference Proceedings, four authors; with DOI Unpublished Paper Presented at a Previous ConferenceComplete Form
Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper ID may only be given Abbreviated Form
Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper ID may only be given Paper Presented at the Current ConferenceComplete Form
Current conference; conference name in normal font; the wording “this conference” is optional Abbreviated Form
Current conference; conference name in normal font; the wording “this conference” is optional Paper Published in, or Submitted to, a PeriodicalPublished
Periodical, Phys. Rev. Lett. with article DOI; issue no. and month may be omitted
Periodical, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams with article DOI; month may be omitted
Periodical, Nucl. Instr. Method with article DOI.
Periodical, Optics Express with article DOI. Submitted
Periodical, paper accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. Lett.
Paper submitted for publication; the name of the periodical does not appear Online Source
online source; no hyperlink, no period at end of URL unless there is a trailing “/” as shown below.
online source; no hyperlink, period after traling “/” in URL allowed. A monospace font, such as Citations to Books
Chapter in book
Book Reports and Theses
Thesis Manual
Handbook/Manual, no hyperlink, no period after URL Patents
Unpublished Work and Private Communication
Private communication References