Sending Email with SPMSContact: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz Where and How to Send and Track Emails in SPMSThere are essentially three places in SPMS for handling email.
All functionalities in regard to email are explained here: It is worth noting that the substitute values which can be used in either email setup are almost but not quite exactly the same, so please pay attention and make use of the "Preview" button before sending an e-mail to several thousand people. (E.g.: The substitute <<Repository Name>> does not refer to the full name of a person.) After sending e-mails to a larger email mailing list, up to 10% of the mails bounce back due to people no longer working at the same lab without updating their JACOW profiles, retirement etc. It is important to keep the database up-to-date, so please inform Sue Waller who is the SPMS Repository Manager about any invalid repository contacts. If you are interested in the exact amount of contacts per mailing list, contact Matt Arena. ReferencesChristine Petit-Jean-Genaz: http://spms.kek.jp/pls/jacowtm2014/agenda.by_session?sid=WEPSR1 Sending Mail with Editor/Proceedings Administration/EmailEmail HistoryThe screen Editor/Proceedings Administration / Email / Email History lists all mails sent via SPMS. Email UtilityThe screen Editor/Proceedings Administration / Email / Email Utility is used to prepare e-mails to authors, speakers, account holders, with contributions to the conference. Use the selection criteria in the top half of the screen to define the mailing list. Mails can be addressed to the submitting (primary) author, account owner, and/or speaker, with a copy to the administrator (sender). One should be careful NOT to send a copy to the administrator if several hundred mails are being sent.... Enter a subject, and the text of the mail, using if necessary the substitutes for abstract/session values shown at the bottom of the screen. Refrain from using greek or special characters in the text of the mail and also from pasting in text from Word. Once the text is final, click on "submit" and check that the number of mails indicated in red corresponds approximately to the expected number, and then "View an Example" to check that all is correct. SPMS RolesThe screen Editor/Proceedings Administration / Email / SPMS Roles provides an interface to send e-mails to individuals with functional roles. Select the group of individuals by functional role/expert status, enter the subject and text of the e-mail, and follow the advice as described above. Session ChairsVia the screen Editor/Proceedings Administration / Email / Session Chairs It is possible to send e-mails to session chairs, similar to the functionality described above. |