1. What are the system requirements for SPMS?
  2. How can I install Oracle 9iR2 on Linux?
  3. Is the default Oracle 9iR2 installation secure?
  4. The SPMS installation instructions say to create a DAD. What on earth is it?
  5. Create_Standalone.sql gives me errors recompiling PROFILE and SYNC packages bodies.
  6. How can I make the SPMS send emails automatically?
  7. Why do the queries slow down during the conference?

Q: What are the system requirements for the SPMS?

A : Oracle 9iR2 or higher. SPMS has been tested on a Windows 2000 server, Linux, Sun (actually, the OS doesn't matter, apart from the Oracle availability on it).
Note: Oracle Text is required, and CTXSYS user must be unlocked. "DEFAULT_LEXER" should be changed to "BASIC_LEXER" if your standard installation uses a different one.

Q: How can I install Oracle 9iR2 on Linux?

A : Here you can find an exhaustive how to (if this can help you, I (Matt Arena) am using Oracle 9iR2 - - on Fedora Core 1).

Q: Is the default Oracle 9iR2 installation secure?

A : NO! Trim your httpd.conf to restrict the connections to the Oracle web agent administration site and use a well-configured firewall. Please read the Oracle Security Alert #62 (SSL) and Oracle Security Alert 65 (SOAP, XMLDB).

Q: The SPMS installation instructions say to create a DAD. What on earth is that?

A : DAD stands for database access descriptor. To create a DAD, connect to the Oracle web agent administration site (default is http://your.node.dom:7777), choose Mod_plsql Configuration Menu > Gateway Database Access Descriptor Settings > Add Default . Then, enter a valid Name Oracle User Name / Password / Connect String combination. Be sure to select Basic Authentication Mode. You can leave the other fields as suggested, anyway you may find useful to select a default home page (I chose profile.html).

Q: Create_Standalone.sql gives me errors recompiling PROFILE and SYNC packages bodies.

A : The PROFILE & SYNC may not re-compile because of changes in the database link. Do the following:

  1. Drop the database link jacow_repository.
  2. Run the Drop_All_Synonyms.sql script (be certain you are in the jacow account and not system).
  3. Run the Create_Synonyms.sql script.
  4. Run the Profile.sql and Sync.sql scripts again.
  5. Run the re_compile.sql script.

This should fix the problem.

Q: How can I make SPMS send emails automatically?

A : It should do that right out of the box using Oracle Jobs. If you don't want to use Oracle Jobs, you can do that in a different way, here explained:
Short answer: Use a cron'd wget pointing to http://yournode.dom/pls/YOURDAD/email_queue.send (e.g.: wget -O/dev/null http://yournode.dom/pls/YOURDAD/email_queue.send 2>/dev/null), or use the Oracle DBMS_JOB package.
Long answer: By calling the stored procedure "send_mail", the email is inserted in the queue, i.e., the mail_blats table.
A separate (batch) procedure should be called to actually send the queued email: email_queue.send. This will send the queued emails and put them in the mail_sent_blats table (or populate the email_blats_errors in case).

Q: Why do the queries slow down during the conference?

A : The problem may lie in the computed statistics, especially if the database is using COST-based statistics. During the conference, many tables experience high-volume transactions. It is best to re-compute the statistics often to help the cost-based optimizer. You may run the Analyze.sql script, distributed with the SPMS software, to accomplish this task.