Managing Invited/Contributed Orals: Introduction

Propose Invited Orals
Assign Priority Codes
Withdraw All Proposals with No Priority
Withdraw All Rejected Proposals
Select Contributed Orals

This page explains the process of utilizing the Invited Orals functionality of SPMS, including timings, deadlines, privileges leading up to SPC/2.

Intro to Invited Orals

Conference programmes are generally composed of three types of presentation: Invited Oral, Contributed Oral and Poster. The ratio of the invited orals vs. contributed orals is decided by the Committee responsible for the scientific programme (for IPAC: SPC, for HB: IOC, etc.)

The invited orals are - in the case of IPAC - proposed by members of the OC, SPC and SAB. All of them need to have JACOW profiles and must have the necessary privileges. For IPAC, the call for Invited Oral proposals goes out to OC, SPC and SAB approx. 15 months prior to the conference.

The sequence of events for IPAC is as follows:

  • SAB/OC/SPC members enter proposals into the SPMS via their own profiles. Proposals consist of a title and brief description of what the talk should cover, plus only a Main Classification to simplify the job;
  • SPC members review all proposals prior to the SPC/2 meeting;
  • SPC Coordinators confer with their "shadows" or “deputies” to tag their priorities (1, 2nd and 3rd) to produce a preliminary list of preferred invited oral presentations and reserves;
  • at the SPC/2 meeting, the Session Coordinators announce their proposals (talks and schedule within the synoptic table) to the full SPC for discussion, with the aim to ultimately ensure the best possible overall programme, eliminating overlap in content, avoiding clashes, ensuring good geographical and gender balance;

The super short version of the setup for the first bullet point above

1. In the screen: Scientific Program Administration / Classifications / Main Classifications

enter all Main Classifications.

2. In the screen: Scientific Program Administration / Presentation Type (Contributions)

enter the Presentation Types (most likely: Invited Oral) you want the proposers to be able to choose from.
To be sure that proposers will only see the appropriate presentation type (for example Invited Oral or Tutorial) when they are making proposals, set the appropriate presentation type in the "Editor only" column to “No” as shown below.

3. In the screen: Overall Database Administration / System Parameters / PC

set the parameter "Enable PC Members to Propose Invited Orals" to “Yes”.

4. In the screen: Overall Database Administration / Privileges, Roles & Users / Authorize

enter the privilege “Propose Invited Orals” against the relevant role(s).

Normally only a Main Classification is required for proposals for invited orals (i.e. don’t bother with sub-classifications at this stage, keep it simple).

As the OC/SAB enter their proposals for invited orals, they can enter a title, an abstract and a presentation type (limited to invited oral). When they save the proposal, SPMS moves to the following screen where the proposer can enter preferred speakers. If they enter alternative speakers, the system saves the proposer with the role Proposer, with the alternative speaker(s) who appear(s) as the possible speakers. Proposers can enter as many alternative speakers as they wish.

The not-so-short version of the setup (but with lots of useful information)

A full and detailed explanation, incl. copy text on how to instruct the proposers is provided here:

For the follow-up task of Prioritizing Invited Oral Presentations, please go here:


Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz: