System Parameters: User

IntroductionSPMS Configuration
Initial Parameter SettingsImage URLs
URLsPC (Program Committee)
Web ConfigurationE-Dot Board

Accepting Abstracts

This parameter is used to control abstract submission by users. Set to "yes" to allow users to submit abstracts. Set to "no" so they cannot.

This parameter should be set to "no" when in Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) mode (see System Parameters / PC), when the SPC is deciding on presentation options for the submitted contributions.

N.B. Conferences decide the presentation types offered to contributors submitting abstracts. Most usual types are:

Poster (only, and/or ...) Oral presentation if selected

The administrator can, however, allow abstract submission when set to "no" by entering the Profile/Account ID of individuals who should have this possibility in the screen

Overall Database Administration / Invitees

Accepting File Uploads

This parameter is used to enable upload of contributions to the proceedings. Before enabling paper upload, all contributions must have programme codes.

Allow Poster Transparency Uploads

Set to "yes" to allow authors to upload pdf files of posters. This parameter is used in connection with two screens:

Editor/Proceedings Administration and File types

  • In the column Reg Exp enter POSTER//.PDF$
  • In the Error Msg column enter Poster filename must be named *_POSTER.PDF (fully UPPERCASE)

Editor/Proceedings Administration and Presentation File Combinations

  • In the column under "Poster", set Always Available for Poster to "Yes".

Copyright Required

If the conference requires a copyright form, set to "yes".

Contributing authors will see a link to "copyright form". They can download a form with the title and authors of the contribution entered automatically to be signed and handed in at the conference or e-mailed.

File Upload Threshold

This parameter is used in connection with two screens:

Editor/Proceedings Administration / File types

Editor/Proceedings Administration / Presentation File Combinations

Freeze User Updates to Abstracts

This parameter controls the modification to contributions (title, abstract text, authors, etc.) by the contributor.

It should be set to "yes" during the whole period of abstract submission and then set to "no" once the SPC has decided to accept the presentation, and once programme codes, programme booklet, and abstracts brochure, etc., have been published. If the submitter wishes to modify the title, abstract, etc., before paper upload, this should be decided with the SPC chair.

Hide Program Codes

Set to "no" keeps the programs codes hidden until finalized by the SPC.

Paper Hardcopy Required

Some conferences require that contributors hand in a hard copy of their contributions to the proceedings. These have been used by editors to check whether the processed versions correspond to the copies produced by the authors. Larger conferences (IPAC, EPAC, PAC) have recently abandoned this practice.

Sub-Classification Required

This parameter is used to distinguish between conferences that use:

Main classification only Main plus sub-classification

When set to "yes", contributors see the list of possible sub-classifications when submitting their abstracts.

Users can see the Agenda

Set to yes or no depending on whether you would like for users to be able to see the agenda at a URL, such as or (with the corresponding path for your SPMS instance).

Note that only users with the privileges to see the page transparencies.html can see links to uploaded talks. If you want to make this available to all users, you need to eliminate all required privileges for the page transparencies.html in the web pages application privilege mappings, under SPMS menu Overall Database Administration / Privileges, Roles, & Users / Web Pages. Do this only if necessary and only for small workshops or meetings, since doing so exposes all uploaded slides for all agenda items to the public, effectively sharing all speaker's slides with anyone who views this agenda.

VISA Invitation Letter

Setting this parameter to "yes" enables the link in users' screens to request an invitation for visa purposes. The person responsible for preparing visa invitation letters checks against the screen

Editor/Proceedings Administration / Registration / Visa Invitation Letters

to extract requests.