Tasks for Running a JACoW Conference: What, When, Who, and How
Contact: Maria A. Power (Argonne National Laboratory Physics Division)
This is a brief overview of the timeline for setting up a JACoW Conference.
Related tutorials:
This chart from Organizing IPAC (and other JACoW Events) by Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN, gives a general overview of the main tasks and when to complete them for a typical, mid-to-large JACoW conference. Some tasks might not be applicable to all conferences. For help with smaller conferences, see "Scaling of Roles, Tasks, and Resources vs Conference Size".
A broader, interactive timeline is being developed that will allow you to tailor the timeline based on the start date for your conference.
Using the timeline as a guideline for when, the list below covers the what. Each item is listed along with:
- Approximate timing (Conference Date (C) minus amount of time)
- Menu item(s) needed
- Link to the documentation on this wiki
- Description and additional notes
Request an SPMS instance
- C-20 to 24 months
- http://www.jacow.org/Editors/PermissionToUseSPMS
- Send the required agreement email as show on the web page. Each conference chair must request permission to use the JACoW tools of the JACoW chair and/or coordinator , who will ask the relevant regional support center to set up the instance.
Initial Parameter Setup
- C-20 to 24 months
- Overall Database Administration | System Parameters http://www.jacow.org/Editors/IntroductiontoParameters)
- Some of this will be prefilled for you, but you should verify it. Your conference logo needs to be sent to your instance administrator to be place on the server. This logo appears in all the web pages' upper right hand corner and will link to your conference website (set within the parameters).
Import Classifications from Another or Previous Conference
- C-20 to 24 months
- Scientific Program Administration | Classifications | Import Classifications
- This step is not required, but if this is a conference series, you will probably want to import from a previous instance.
Appoint key personnel (authorized users/roles)
Composition of OC/SPC decided
- C-18 to 24 months
- Overall Database Administration | Privileges, Roles & Users | Authorize http://www.jacow.org/Editors/IntrotoPrivilegesEtc
- Add the accounts of the members of the OC/SPC to the functional groups in SPMS. This is a good time to use the Bulk Upload link which allows you to list the email addresses of the members and load them into the functional role at one time.
Set up for Invited Oral Proposals
First SPC/OC meetings, Invitations to join SAB, SAB invited to submit proposals (via SPMS) for invited orals
- C-17 to 20 months
- Editor/Proceedings Administration | Email | SPMS Roles http://www.jacow.org/Editors/EmailUtilityRepository
- Use the SPMS Roles email utility to send emails to the OC/SPC groups. Note the substitute values at the bottom of the screen to use as fields for the email. It is easiest to copy and paste these values into your text. You may also use basic html formatting within the text of the email.
Clicking Submit will show you how many emails will be sent and will also allow you to preview the email and see a sample before you actually send it.
First Conference Announcement sent to Industry (via SPMS)
- C-15 months
- Overall Database Administration | Email Utility (Repository) http://www.jacow.org/Editors/EmailUtilityRepository
- Remember you can only send 1 (and only 1) unsolicited email through the repository. The first type of these is typically to industry to solicit for the exhibition and sponsorship. It is recommended to be careful to craft and tailor the email properly before the actual send.
There are a lot of choices on the screen. As an example, for NA-PAC, one could choose Regions "North America and South America" (use the control key for multiple selections) and Affiliation Type "Industry". Choose what makes sense for your conference.
SPC decides Main and Sub-classifications, & SPMS customization
OC approves SPC proposal for invited oral presentations
- C-12 months
- Scientific Program Administration
- Scientific Program Administration | Sessions http://www.jacow.org/Editors/CreatingSessions
- https://www.jacow.org/Editors/PriorityCodes http://www.jacow.org/Editors/WithdrawAllRejectedProposals
- The SPC sets the priorities of the proposed invited orals. Once selected, either the Session Coordinator or Administrator accepts the abstracts by using the Search utility and via the links on the abstract's page as seen here:

The Administrator can then choose to Withdraw all Proposals with no Accepted Priority and/or Withdraw all rejected proposals. Withdrawn abstracts can be restored later if needed using the Restore Withdrawn Abstract links.
At this point a basic schedule should be started including setting up the sessions.
Invitations to invited speakers
- C-12 months
- Editor/Proceedings Administration | Email | Email Utility http://www.jacow.org/Editors/EmailUtilityRepository
- Building the Program codes: http://www.jacow.org/Editors/Introduction
- Invitations can be sent through the SPMS using the email utility ,similarly to when sending the OC/SPC emails or via surface mail by doing a mail merge using the expofrted invited extract file. A sample invitation letter can be found at the end of the Organizing IPAC document.
Should a speaker decline the invitation, you will need to withdraw that abstract and restore the withdrawn abstract that the SPC will select in its place.
You can now begin to build your program codes and schedule the accepted invited orals into their sessions.
Conference Website On-line (at best) with scientific programme
Mailing of Posters/Postcards using SPMS for addresses
- C-10 months
- General | Data Extracts | via Mailing List
- http://www.jacow.org/Editors/ViaMailingList
- EPAC/IPAC in Europe/Asia normally send several posters to a selection of prominent persons in the larger laboratories with a request to post them up prominently. The poster is also normally downloadable from the conference website. Postcards are normally sent to all JACoW SPMS profile owners who request conference announcements. This list can be extracted by the via Mailing List Data Extract.
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers via SPMS
- C-9 months
- Overall Database Administration | System Parameters | PC http://jacow.org/Editors/PCProgramCommittee
- Overall Database Administration | System Parameters | User http://www.jacow.org/Editors/User
- Scientific Program Administration | Presentation Type (Contributions) http://www.jacow.org/Editors/CallforAbstracts
- Overall Database Administration | Email Utility (Repository) http://www.jacow.org/Editors/EmailUtilityRepository
- Prior to sending the announcement and call for papers, you should turn off the proposal mode settings, add Posters to the available types to submit, and open for abstracts.
Again you can only send 1 (and only 1) unsolicited email through the repository. This email will now go to those who have signed up for the conference. Again, it is highly recommended to be careful to craft and tailor the email properly before the actual send.
Second Conference Announcement to Industry (via SPMS) with full information about exhibition registration package
Deadline for nominations for accelerator prizes
Conference Announcement to remind of abstract submission deadline
Deadline for Abstract Submission
- C-5 months
- Overall Database Administration | System Parameters | User http://www.jacow.org/Editors/User
- <Report/Search> http://www.jacow.org/Editors/AbstractQA
- <Report/Extract>
- Close abstract submission, do Abstract Q/A, and prepare reports for SPC meeting to select Contributed Orals. Once complete you can reopen abstract submission for additional posters or on a case by case basis.
Deadline "cheap" booth registration/deadline for payment
Invite Editorial Staff (Editors, Paper Reception, Poster Session Managers)
- C-4 months
- The number of persons required for editing is calculated on the basis of the number of papers and oral presentations to be processed, and with the obligation for the larger events to offer “hands on” experience in electronic publication to inexperienced or newly nominated JACoW editors. Extra staff is needed to provide the interface with authors (author reception), to file the pdf files produced by the editors, and most importantly to thoroughly check titles and authors on the papers against those in the SPMS.
The number of editors to be invited is decided by the SS/Editor. For EPAC/IPACs to date the following basic formula is used:
- the number of papers to be processed will be approximately 80% of the contributions submitted at abstract submission
- 80% of this 80% needs to be processed during 3 days of pre-conference processing
- estimate an average of 35 papers per day per experienced editor during pre-conference processing.
- An example with 1000 contributions in the SPMS:
- 80% of 1000 = 800 contributions to process in total
- 80% of 800 = 640 papers to be processed in 3 days
- 640 divided by 3 days = 213 papers to be processed per day
- 213 divided by 35 (average number of papers per editor) = ~6 pre-conference editors are required for pre-conference processing.
Six is thus the “lower basic” number of experienced “core” editors to achieve 80% of the pre-conference processing.
This number should be doubled at least for the conference week to take into consideration all of the other tasks. It is particularly critical for the larger events, with for example 1500 contributions in the SPMS, to have a slightly larger team to allow half a day or a day off for the pre-conference “core” editors.
The travel expenses of most Editors are normally at the expense of their own institutes or conferences. The hosting conference covers the cost of accommodation and a per diem. Refreshments are provided for all of the staff in the proceedings office (breakfast, lunch, snacks). The full team is also invited to all social events (Chairman’s cocktail, reception and banquet), a special dinner is also on occasion organized for the whole team, who also receive conference bags.
SPC Meeting: Select Contributed Orals, Re-classify if necessary, Decide Chairs
- C-4 months
- Scientific Program Administration |