Team Meeting Photos Here, please feel free to add any others you have. JACoW Team Meeting 2016 | 7 - 10 November | Vancouver, CanadaAgenda: https://trshare.triumf.ca/~thomson/JTM2016/05Nov-JACoW%20Team%20Meeting%20Programme.pdf The 2016 JACoW Team Meeting was hosted by the TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada. The Team Meeting Proper was preceded by a closed meeting for SPMS Developers and Super Users on Saturday and Sunday, 05 and 06, 2016, in the Board Room of the Georgian Court. The 2016 Programme included oral presentations, tutorials, and a poster session devoted to reports from all conferences organised in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Team Meetings are organized for Team Members in line with the JACoW Terms of Reference and Boundary Conditions. Attendance at Team Meetings is a boundary condition for membership of the JACoW Collaboration, and publication of conference proceedings at the JACoW site. The programme offered at Team Meetings however not only covers electronic publication issues, but it also addresses the wider field of conference organisation (SPMS, InDiCo, delegate and exhibitor registration, organisation of OC/SPC meetings, etc.) as well as the very complex IT issues. Attendance is therefore open not only to editors, but to all interested in the above. JACoW Team Members should pass on this information to their colleagues on the LOC. |