JACoW 2017 Team Meeting, Beijing, China, 28th Nov - 1st Dec, 2017

Full Programme:

08:30–09:00 (Room A415)


09:00–11:00 (Room A415)

Welcome and Introduction to JACoW TM & Running a JACoW Conference
Session Chair: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz

09:00 | Speaker: Prof Qing Qin - Deputy Director Institute of High Energy Physics

Welcome Introduction

09:15 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Overview of BoD aims for the Team Meeting, report on JACoW mission, activities, areas of development, challenges, future forecasts and needs. Introduce active working groups, asks for expressions of interest and advise parallel meeting times (Mobile App, 2018 TM, Online Help, One-on-one, etc. )

09:45 | Speaker: Ronny Billen - European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)

Introduce the procedure for voting, the candidates, Introduce the procedure and time frame, who is eligible to vote.

09:55 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The JACoW collaboration is a collaboration which has wide community of collaborators from around the world. Being born out of the arrival of electronic publication in the mid-nineties, JACoW has had a team of innovators who have co-operated delivering systems and tools for the organisation, operation, and long term achieving of conference proceedings for the accelerator and complementary communities. This talk will give a look at the history at the genesis of JACoW to modern day, vision into the future, and discuss the obligations and policies, network of collaborators and supporting volunteers, which enable the effective outcomes of the collaboration and bind it together.

10:25 | Speaker: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This talk will outline the locations and current literature and various helpful tutorials available on the JACoW and Source Forge websites. This talk aims to give insight to logical filing of the information, and give example how the information can be further edited and continuously improved.

10:55 | Speaker: David Button - Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation

This talk will highlight the parts of this years programme which are new, and information not repeated this year which can be found in the previous Team Meeting pages.


Coffee break

11:30–12:30 (Room A415)

How to Share Collaboration Information & Case Study of Partial Refereeing
Session Chair: Ronny Billen

11:30 | Speaker: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This tutorial/talk, will demonstrate how to access the JACoW Wiki to make edits, and how to produce content such as the pages that all the presentations are made on. This will also include specific information on how to generate slide shows, and manipulate images etc.

12:10 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Though partial refereeing has been done back in the past, the IPAC community has requested partial refereeing of papers to improve the impact factor and quality of submissions. This talk will give a case study of IPAC'17 usage of this system.



14:00–15:30 (Room A415)

Overview Conference Management Systems & Proceedings Production
Session Chair: John De Villiers

14:00 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

This talk brings together the breakdown of the roles which have been developed over the years to execute a successful JACoW conference, and give an overview of what they contribute to the organisation, execution, and close out of the conference.

14:30–15:30 (Room A511)

JACoW Template Working Group

14:30 | Speaker: Adrian Mönnich - European Organization for Nuclear Research Information Technology Department (IT)

Introduction and overview of the SPMS Indico development, the existing user groups of Indico, overview of how it is used to run conferences. (Note More in-depth example tutorial presentation later in the week)

15:00 | Speaker: Volker RW Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

This talk aims to give an insight to the behind the seen activities, services, and scripts which are used to go from submission the website publication. Delegates in the meeting should get a glimpse of the importance of the proceedings office producing compliant and accurate files to allow smooth production of the final proceedings, these skills will be built over the meeting. This knowledge should serve to help editors and organiser navigate the requirements and processes that must take place to achieve the final outcome. The talk will also discuss the variety of errors and faults which are experienced, and what can be done to help avoid them and detect them throughout the conference.

14:30 | Chair: Jan Chrin - Paul Scherrer Institut


Coffee break

16:00–17:30 Public Area Outside Particle Cafe - IHEP Main Building

Poster Session / Welcome Reception
IPAC'17Garry TrahernESSIPAC'17 Poster
IPAC'18Jana ThomsonTRIUMFIPAC'18 Poster
IPAC'19Nicole WhiteANSTOIPAC'19 Poster
IPAC'20Ketel TurzoGANILIPAC'20 Poster
LINAC'18Ning ZhaoIHEPLINAC'18 Poster
SAP'17Ning ZhaoIHEPSAP'17 Poster
SRF'17Lu LiIMPCASSRF'17 Poster
CYCLOTRONS'19Joele MiraIThemba LabsCYCLOTRONS'19 Poster
ECRIS'18Pietro PisciottaINFNECRIS'18 Poster
ICFA FLS'18Xin HanSINAPFLS'18 Poster
IBIC'18Xin HanSINAPIBIC'18 Poster
ICAP'18Kyoko MakinoMSUICAP'18 Poster
HB'18Dong-Eon KimPALHB'18 Poster
PCaPAC'18  PCaPAC'18 Poster

(Room A415)

(Room A511)


Sizing your Team & Key Activities in SPMS
Session Chair: Nicole White

09:00 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

ECRIS has about 60 participants, IBIC has about 250, and IPAC has about 1500. Not all teams are built equal, but are built to the size of the task ahead of them! JACoW has many member conferences of many different subject areas and thus different sizes. This talk aim to show examples of different size conferences and the considerations which are made in the condensing of roles, the size of the teams involved, typical budget implications, and aspects of SPMS and other tools used to organise and run the conference.

09:40 | Speaker:Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research

The aim of this talk is to give a well thought out time line and instructions for the major tasks which are required to be undertaken in a timely manner to ensure that the deadlines and dependent activities can be achieved. This also includes for examples suggested budget review points, and activities that can be carried out to minimise the wastage of funds lost to no shows.

10:00 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

This presentation will run through how to use SPMS to setup key parameters for your conference, and some of the important activities you will preform through out the pre- and post conference periods.


Mobile App

09:00 | Chair: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC


Coffee break

(Room A415)

(Room A511)


Conference Proceedings Production Activities
Session Chair: Maxim Kuzin

11:30 | Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research

Running a proceeding's office can be full of traps and generate allot of extra work for your team and leave even more work to be finished after the conference if not run efficiently. This talk will draw on many experiences in staffing, constructing, and running a proceedings office, and the roles that surrounding office have in contributing to the smooth operation, and achieving the final bundle of material for publication.

12:10 | Speaker: David Button - ANSTO

Processing Transparencies & Embedding Animations Info. from David's 2016 presentation should be incorporated.
A large number of conference series are now routinely achieving oral presentation transparencies as part of the proceedings. This talk will look at the process which has been established with the SPMS instance to manage this process, and issues surrounding the ever growing number of presentations utilising the animations and how these are embedded in the pdf file.


IT Setup Working Group

11:30 | Chair: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.



(Room A420)

(Room A511)

(Room A418)


Tutorial 1

T1a 14:00 | Tutor: Volker RW Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

Based on last years tutorial this year we wish to give more time to allow as many people as possible to gain experience in running scripts to help service activities throughout the stages of your conference. Part 1 will focus on preparing your computer, configuring and installing required software ahead of the running of the actual scripts.
J. Garrett de Villiersgdevil@tlabs.ac.za

T1c 14:45 | Pre-Oroganised

One-on-One Contact Time
For those who wish to book one-on-one time with other team members for specific discussions and training


Tutorial 1

T1b 14:00 | Tutor: Jan Chrin - Paul Scherrer Institut (90min)

It has been requested by a number of team members for Jan to once again run his LaTeX Bootcamp to introduce those with no experience to the basics of LaTeX. LaTeX is still proving to be a notable portion of submissions and requiring support in every proceedings office.
Joele Miramira@tlabs.ac.za
Ghyung Hww Kimghkim@postech.ac.kr



Available Area


Coffee break

(Room A511)

(Room A418)


Paper Editing & JACoW Voting
Session Chair: Sue Waller

16:00 | Speaker: Jan Chrin - Paul Scherrer Institut

At the 2016 TM the revised JACoW template was released which has been utilised now for over 12 months. As a major addition the citation and reference section was substantially enhanced to give more explanation to authors. This talk will discuss any issues which have arisen, and what effect it has had on the overall author oversights discovered in papers. Any future updates or information will also be presented. This talk will all give information regarding the importance and impact of good referencing standards.

16:20 | Speaker:David Button - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

This talk will discuss the tools which are used for editing, the procedure followed, and give some tips and trick for word, and pitstop editing.


One-on-one Sit Downs by Individual Arrangement

16:40 | Speaker: Ronny Billen - European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)

Final Notes to Meeting Attendees, Voting

17:00 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Open Session Questions

17:20 | Speaker: Ronny Billen - European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)

(Room A415)

(Room A419)


IT Requirements, Advancements
Session Chair: Kyung Sook Kim

09:00 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

This talk will showcase the variety SPMS generated reports which can be included in your conference website which are automatically updated as data evolves is your SPMS instance. Example code and exercises will be featured for further hands on working following the demonstration. A number of useful applications for poster police, doting boards, and other information screens will be showcased. Conference registration and the exchange of information between external registration systems will also be discussed.

09:30 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

Since Jab hosted IPAC, there has been ongoing solutions and development of mobile applications that delegates can use to access information throughout the conference. This also serves as a platform for advertising, reducing the need for programme books, and gives the delegate extra user experience in organising their participation. This talk will talk about the latest solution which was used at IPAC'17, and advise and direction to the future of this tool.

09:50 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

No matter if you are running an IPAC or one of the smaller conference series the importance of good IT support and operating workstations is key to enabling editors, presentation managers, author reception staff to complete their activities. This talk will give details of the latest software and setups required, and give options for various conference sizes.

10:10 | Speaker: Jana Thomson - TRIUMF

TRIUMF will be hosting the IPAC'18 in the city of Vancouver, Canada BC. This talk will give a report on the status of their preparations, and report on the expected staffing and IT requirements they are developing. Furthermore details about the conference and the facility with be showcased to the meeting.

10:40 | Speaker: Adrian Mönnich - European Organization for Nuclear Research Information Technology Department (IT)

Software platforms such as Slack cloud service, and Mattermost enable an alternative method of facilitation of conversations and the exchange of files and other information. These platforms have advantages over tradition email facilitated communication. This talk will introduce and discuss these tools.


Online Help Working Group

09:00 | Chair: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Online Help Working Group 2017


Coffee break


Institute of High Energy Physics Tour



(Room A419)

(Room A415)


Tutorial 2

T2a 14:30 | Tutor: Volker Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

This tutorial will be an interactive demonstration and discussion for those who have been active in doing LaTeX editing. Volker who is a master of LaTeX will give tips and tricks, and highlight the typical problems he comes across.

T2c 14:45 | Tutor: Volker Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

''Based on last years tutorial this year we wish to give more time to allow as many people as possible to gain experience in running scripts to help service activities throughout the stages of your conference.
Part 2 will focus on running scripts which you can use to generate useful information such as SPMS vs Paper Author lists, Processed Paper Grip Sheets, Abstract books, etc..''


Tutorial 2

T2b 14:00 | Tutor: Adrian Mönnich - European Organization for Nuclear Research Information Technology Department (IT)

Driving Latest Indico
Tutorial Demonstration: Setting up a basic conference, adding and removing pages, what is required, access to help, etc.


Coffee break

(Room A415)

(Room A419)


IPAC'17 Debrief
Session Chair: Garry Trahern

16:00 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

IPAC is the largest conference in the JACoW collaboration and utilises e very part of the collaboration. This report will give a detailed analysis of the undertakings, and activities which went on to bring IPAC'17 together, and advice to other conferences and future IPAC based on the recent experience.

16:50 | Speaker: Takashi Kosuge - KEK

Report on Speaker Preparation IPAC’17
Brief report on the staffing and activities that were carried out in the speaker ready area of IPAC'17, any problems and solutions that came about.

16:50 | Speaker: Sue Waller - Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre

Brief report on the staffing and activities that were carried out in the speaker ready area of IPAC'17, any problems and solutions that came about.

17:00 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

IPAC's and many conferences are heavily reliant on the suitability and the performance of the IT systems pre, during, and post conference. Johan will give a detailed report on the undertakings of IPAC'17 with valuable advice to those holding conferences in future generally and for IPAC's.



Area Available

09:00–11:00 (Room A415)

JACoW Team Meeting Business & Summary 1
Session Chair: Akihiro Shirawkawa

09:00 | Speaker: David Button - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Lessons learned for next Team Meeting Feedback. This is a chance for everyone to opening give feedback as to what the fill worked or didn't work, to help improve the next team meeting.

09:30 | Speaker: Jana Thomson - TRIUMF Canada's National

Conclusions from the Rapporteur with overview of JACoW developments and team meeting in 2017. This report summaries all which has been presented and discussed throughout the meeting, and is an important syllabus to plan future activities and help set future road maps.


Coffee break

10:30–11:00 (Room A415)

JACoW Team Meeting Business & Summary 2
Session Chair: Todd Satogata

10:30 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Jefferson Lab

Business & meeting conclusion, thank you and good byes.