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Last Words from the (Deputy) Chair
Speaker: Todd Satogata (Jefferson Lab)
Some highlights, some lessons learned, and some open action items. (ACTION!)
(And some talk structure from Ivan's overview from TM2016.)
Pre-TM Highlights
From RSCM reports
- Higher load than theoretically needed
- SPMS operations frequently need intervention
- Deployment
- Synchronisation
- Repatriation: Turning off jobs (ACTION!)
- From TM16: When the conf is over, all links to the SPMS are to be removed (ACTION!) (IPAC'17)
- 197 conferences published, 18 since last TM (inc. 7 scanned Linac proceedings)
- SPMS Development still slow - lower resources
- But Matt was very involved in light peer review development Jan-May 2017 for IPAC'17.
- ORCID/DOI - working on permalinks & references
- Acrobat DC - updated documentation needed (ACTION!)
- Indico/SPMS presentations and convergence
- Core infrastructure progress but not much to try using yet
- Revisit documentation, establish progress tracking and testing milestones (ACTION!)
JACoW Sustainability
- Risks to JACoW were last analysed in 2016
- Identify JACoW's aims and goals and evaluate the probability that they will not be achieved
Probability P
Risk | Assigned for |
1 | Unlikely, <10% |
2 | Possible, <20% to 50% |
3 | Likely, >60% |
4 | Highly probable, >80% |
Impact I
Risk | Assigned for |
1 | Negligible impact |
2 | Moderate impact - delay on delivery |
3 | Major impact on delivery of objective - delay and/or additional resource requirement |
4 | Severe impact leading to partial delivery and/or additional resource requirement |
5 | Catastrophic impact - failure to reach goal |
JACoW goals, as documented on the wiki, are:
- Publish high-quality sets of proceedings with access through the custom interface.
- Provide long-term archival storage to ensure longevity and access to publication data.
- Train and educate authors and editors.
- Provide a repository of profiles.
- Provide support for conference organisers.
- Publish conference metadata for open archives.
- Maintain a set of user profiles for accelerator conferences.
- JACoW Chairs [Chr]
- JACoW Coordinator [Crd]
- JACoW Board of Directors [JBoD]
- JACoW webmaster (proceedings at CERN) [WebP]
- JACoW webmaster (info at Elettra) [WebI]
- JACoW website content manager [WebC]
- Repository manager [Rep]
- SPMS regional support managers [RSM1,2,3]
- SPMS developers [Dev1,2,3]
- JPSP developer [JPS]
- Editor/conference tools developer [CnfDev]
Activities and Functions
- Provide and maintain the proceedings website.
- Publish new proceedings as soon as possible.
- Run the collaboration.
- Report to Stakeholders.
- Provide and maintain the author and team websites.
- Provide and maintain the repository.
- Provide and maintain the SPMS.
- SPMS-InDiCo merger.
- Provide and maintain JPSP.
- Develop new tools for editors and authors.
Infrastructure and resources
- CERN webserver [WebCERN], KEK mirror [WebKEK]
- Search engine [SRCH]
- Oracle at CERN, FNAL and KEK and support people [ORACERN, ORAFNAL, ORAKEK].
- Chair, deputy, coordinator, repository manager etc. - time [Tim]
- Team members time and travel [Tim-Trav].
- Conference proceedings teams [Eds]
Risk Analysis 2016 vs 2017
Function | Associated Roles | Resources | Risk 2016 | Risk 2017 |
JACoW (proc) | WebP | SRCH, Web* | 5 | 5 | |
Add new procs. | WebP | Eds, Web* | 12 | 8 | ▼ |
Run collaboration | JBoD | Tim-Trav | 8 | 9 | ▲ |
JACoW (info) | Webi | Web* | 4 | 4 | |
Repository | Rep | ORA* | 6 | 4 | ▼ |
SPMS | Rep, RSM*, Dev* | ORA* | 9 | 12 | ▲ |
SPMS-Indico Merge | Dev, Rep, JPS | Tim | 3 | 1 | ▼ |
Tools | CnfDev | Tim-Trav | 6 | 3 | ▼ |
JPSP | JPS | Tim | 6 | 4 | ▼ |
Editor Education | CnfDev | Tim-Trav | 6 | 6 | |
Personnel to Educate Ed. | CnfDev | Tim-Trav | 8 | 8 | |
Author Education | CnfDev | Eds, Tim | 6 | 4 | ▼ |
Total | 79 | 68 | ▼ |
Average | 6.58 | 5.67 | ▼ |
Risk Register Conclusions
- ▼ publication of new proceedings: lower
- More and more people learning how to publish proceedings
Emphasis within TM training
- ▼ Indico-SPMS merge project lower: promising
- Progress being made, team focus so lower risk
- ▲ Running the collaboration: higher!
- Travel and support resources are getting scarcer
- Document financial value of JACoW to community?
- More outreach to stakeholders (ACTION!)
- ▲ Developing the SPMS: higher!
- one man show up to now, no longterm succession (ACTION!)
First impressions of this TM
- Another successful TM!
- David's "Four Pillars" are a strong foundation
- More one-on-one time? (e.g. scripting and LaTeX)
- Hands-on exercises? (e.g. processing standard example papers)
- Thanks to everybody for your contributions!
Next Team Meeting (2018)
Year | Location |
2016 | Americas |
2017 | Asia/Pacific (Australiasia?) |
2018 | Europe/Middle East/Africa |
2019 | Americas |
2020 | Asia/Pacific |
2021 | Europe/Middle East/Africa |
Formal bids to come c. January 2018.
Decision by the BoD with input from community mid-2018.
Thank you again, and safe travels!!
Forgotten Item
At the end of the TM, Maxim reminded me of a discussion with Volker regarding indexing of proceedings by Scopus/Elsevier. The indexing services require a malpractice statement to be clearly visible on the main entry page of the proceedings, similar to this example.
- Volker and Todd will follow up with publishers to draft a suitable statement and plan an appropriate way to include it in a test proceedings.
- We will find a volunteer test proceedings for this process: Maxim has suggested the next RuPAC, for instance.