<< Thursday, 6th December | Agenda Index | >> Friday, 7th December09:00–10:30 (Room Auditorium) Working Group Reports & Feedback
Session Chair: Sergio Marques
09:00 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Report on activities of the IT Working Group
09:10 | Speaker: Jan Chrin - Paul Scherrer Institut Report on activities of the Template and Citation Working Group
09:20 | Speaker: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report on activities of the Online Help Working Group
09:30 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC Report on activities of the Mobile App Working Group
09:40 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Discussions about future development directions, and formation for working groups
09:30 | Speaker: David Button - ANSTO Lessons learned for next Team Meeting Feedback. This is a chance for everyone to opening give feedback as to what the fill worked or didn't work, to help improve the next team meeting.
10:20 | Speaker:Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research A brief explanation of the process for decisions of the next Team Meeting location, to be held in December 2019 in the Americas
10:30–11:00 Coffee break
11:00–12:20 (Room Auditorium) JACoW Team Meeting Business & Summary
Session Chair: Todd Satogata
11:00 | Speaker: Todd Satogata for Rohan Dowd - ANSTO Conclusions from the Rapporteur with overview of JACoW developments and team meeting in 2018. This report summaries all which has been presented and discussed throughout the meeting, and is an important syllabus to plan future activities and help set future road maps.
11:30 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Business & meeting conclusion, thank you and good byes.