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A Talk from the IPAC’22, Bangkok Thailand
Speaker: Porntip Sudmuang (SLRI)
Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI)
IPAC’22 Local Organizing Committee Chair
The experience of a person new to JACoW and JACoW conference organization.
Presentation for JACoW Team Meeting 2021
December 13-17, Trieste, Italy
IPAC’22 LOC Team Experience in JACoW Event
1. Have we had an experience in hosting the JACoW collaboration conferences? : Never
2. Have we had an experience in attending the JACoW collaboration conferences? : Yes, we are JACoW users only as a conference delegate
3. How many IPAC’22 LOC member know about SPMS? : Less than 10 people
What we expected when SLRI was chosen to host IPAC’22
General organizing
- Organize a highly successful event
- Provide a great opportunity to expand SLRI network in the worldwide accelerator community and industry.
- Support from the Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
- Have a guideline, budget plan, how to organize event from previous IPAC
- Observe/ learn administrative tasks from IPAC’20, IPAC’21
Proceeding and Scientific Program Management
- Information for timeline and activities: when, what, and how to setting up and running the IPAC activities/tasks
- Strongly support from SPMS experts for SPMS and IT setup
- Short training or workshop for SPMS
What we have learned to organize IPAC’22 with JACoW
The IPAC’22 LOC is divided into 5 team composed of:
Scientific Program (13 members)
Dr. Prapaiwan Sunwong, Dr. Thapakron Pulampong, Nisarat Wonglek
Proceeding /Editor (10 members)
Dr.Thakonwat Chanwattana, Dr.Nawin Juntong, Dr.Krongthong Kamonsuangkasem
Conference IT (13 members)
Natthawut Suradet, Athikarn Thongwat, Dr. Keerati Manasatitpong
Exhibitor and Sponsor (18 members)
Dr. Thanapong Phimsen, Dr. Saengduan pimkaew, Dr. Ratana Charoenwattanasatien
Conference Support (15 members)
Sasipun Tritan, Churintorn Neti, Apiradee Kruajeenteng
IPAC'22 LOC Team Photo
What we have received:
- Very useful information published in https://www.jacow.org/
- Good advice and quick response via email
- Guideline and budget plan from IPAC'19
- Nice experience in JACoW team meeting 2019
What we have learned:
- JACoW conference tasks timeline
- Set up initial parameters/ privilege
- Decide on main and sub-classifications
- Set up the SPMS parameter for OC/SPC/SAB to submit proposals for invited orals
- External registration setup
- Announce conference to exhibitor and delegate
- Call for papers and abstract submission
- …
All information we have learned is in:
JACoW website
What we are preparing for IPAC’22
IPAC'22 Venue
IMPACT Forum Building (2nd floor)
IMPACT Forum Building (1st floor)
Proceeding Office, Speaker Ready Room and Author Reception
What support from JACoW we are looking for
- Short training for SPMS to set up the system parameter for SPC3 meeting, creating program codes, assigning program codes and extracting data for program booklet and conference app.
- Proceeding editors training
- A strong team of experienced editors to back up the Editor-in-Chief/IT Manager/Speaker Interface
- Guideline for Light Peer Review
- Guideline for the preparation for the proceedings office setup, placing of desks, software, hardware, catering, etc.
- More experience in JACoW team meeting 2021
Editorial team
- 1 local editor-in-chief
- Proceedings Office: 14 JACoW experienced editors + 3 new local editors + 2 new local IT
- Speaker Ready: 2 JACoW experts
- Author Reception: 2 JACoW experts
Total member: 18 JACoW experts + 6 local members (without any trainees)
We look forward to welcoming you to Bangkok, Thailand, 12-17 June 2022
