JACoW-Indico Support - from the Devil we know to the Devil we don't ...Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN) alias Dragon Lady ... SPMS development took place between 2002 and 2004 when it was run in with its brand new Central Repository for EPAC'04 in Lucerne, Switzerland. It was breezing along, picking up speed and accumulating bells and whistles by around 2008 ... It has and continues to serve us well, though from time to time showing some signs of age ... Indico will gradually replace SPMS as the recommended tool for the management of the scientific programmes of JACoW Collaboration conferences. The Central Repository in SPMS will continue for the foreseeable future. The procedures to be adopted in future by all conference series with respect to: a) the notification of the organization of new JACoW events, and b) the requests for the creation of Indico Events, are currently imagined as follows. Notification of the Organization of a New JACoW EventAs soon as a new JACoW event is decided, the OC or SPC Chair (of either the past, current or future event in the series) must inform the JACoW Chair and/or the Coordinator. An outline of what is required is reproduced below. It is published on jacow.org at https://www.jacow.org/About/NotificationOfTheOrganizationOfANewJACoWEvent Very, very few conferences spontaneously warn us that a new event has been decided, ... A lot of work for the Coordinator to chase up contact people for the series several times a year to keep mailing lists up to date re. Team and Stakeholders meetings. As Organizers of the XXX Conference we hereby inform JACoW that 1. XXX Conference will take place on [dates] in/at [venue]. The OC, SPC and LOC Chairs are [name, affiliation and e-mail address) and the Scientific Secretary and/or Editor-in-Chief is/are [role, name and affiliation]. 2. We have read and understood the JACoW boundary conditions relating to publication on jacow.org and in particular the attendance of the Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief/IT Manager (either or several) at the annual JACoW Team Meetings. 3. The conference undertakes to foresee the necessary funding for the attendance of the Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief/IT Manager (either or several) at the annual JACoW Team Meetings. 4. We have understood that it is the duty of the conference Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief * to ensure the event is announced in the JACoW.org page of forthcoming conferences: https://www.jacow.org/About/UpcomingEvents * to ensure that the names of the conferences and Editors-in-Chief are included in the list of JACoW Team members: https://www.jacow.org/About/TeamMembersRoles * to participate as far as possible in the development and testing of JACoW tools. 5. We understand that failure to comply with the above may result in sanctions as referred to above. Request/Delivery of JACoW-Indico EventsThe Organizers of new JACoW events make an official request to the JACoW Chair or Coordinator for the setting up of a JACoW-Indico Event. The JACoW Events Manager, a new JACoW role, creates the new event and assigns Admin privileges to the Scientific Secretary or Editor-in-Chief. Each Indico event is delivered with access to all profile and affiliation data contained in the JACoW Central Repository. The existing SPMS Central Repository will gradually be replaced. An outline of what the request should include may be found at the link to the old SPMS request page. A new page will shortly be available to request Indico events. https://www.jacow.org/Editors/PermissionToUseSPMS The following is a possible adaptation of the old request for the creation of a new SPMS instance, retaining some of the former requirements and omitting more SPMS/Central Repository-specific items. Still to be decided and implemented is the replacement of the SPMS Central Repository for profiles/affiliations/mailing lists for conference announcements. As Organizers of the XXX Conference we undertake:
JACoW-Indico ADMINISTRATIONSeveral JACoW Officers (Chair, Coordinator, Central Repository Manager, JACoW Event Manager) have unrestricted access to the JACoW-Indico Administration Area. JACoW-Indico SUPPORTRegional Support Centres - Europe Ronny Billen at CERN publishes the proceedings of conferences on jacow.org as they become available. He keeps track of publications across the whole Collaboration. - Asia Kazuro Furukawa publishes proceedings at the KEK mirror site. With the introduction of Indico the servers for upload of contributions to proceedings currently managed by Jan Chrin, PSI (jan.chrin@psi.ch) and Anthony Cuffe (cuffe@jlab.gov) will gradually be phased out. Huge thanks to Jan and Anthony who have provided the will, the time and effort to keep this essential JACoW functionality running for all events over several years, beyond their own normal professional duties. User Support - The JACoW Event Manager creates new Indico events and may be contacted for support. - The Indico team at CERN, as well as a group of JACoW experts will be available for support. Issues under Consideration with the Introduction of Indico- How to replace the Central Repository - The mailing of conference announcements for Indico events, Central Repository vs. ??? - Profile data maintenance |