JBoD meeting #4 - August 7, 2013

This meeting has been arranged on a Vidyo-conference through Indico.

The approved Summary notes are available online at this page.


  1. Approval of JBoDM#3 Summary Notes (Ivan)
  2. Status of the JACoW collaboration: new requests to join JACoW, fail to publish etc. (Volker)
  3. Prioritization of SPMS enhancements (Matt)
  4. Feedback about the new website and ideas for improvement (John)
  5. Follow up from last Stakeholders' meeting: actions, ideas etc. (Chris)
    1. Stakeholders involvement (Chris)
    2. Templates (Ivan)
    3. Indico (Ivan)
  6. Review of the repatriation procedure after recent difficulties (Matt/Chris)
  7. Next Team Meeting (John/Cathy)
  8. Other possible business