Summary Notes of the Sixth Meeting of the JACoW Board of Directors

18 August, 2014

Present: Ivan Andrian, Matt Arena, Jan Chrin, Cathy Eyberger (audio), Yongbin Leng, Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, Volker Schaa, John Poole, Todd Satogata

1. Approval of JBoDM#5 Summary Notes

On the question of publishing sides of Workshops for archival purposes, there are mixed opinions and this item could be discussed further in the future.

The Notes are Approved

2. Status of the JACoW Collaboration: New Requests to Join the Collaboration

Volker records that there is no news of the Accelerator Operation Workshop due to the absence of his contact on sick leave. He notes that the STORI series prefers to publish with a publisher.

Todd notes that the EIC Workshop applied, and was accepted as a new member earlier this year.

Yongbin notes mentions the Low Level RF Workshop coming up in China. Todd knows several people on the OC and could make an informal approach.
(just after the meeting LLRF people stated to already have discussed the JACoW option and decided to continue to use Indico for their proceedings, being a small workshop)

Christine feels that prior to contacting any conferences we should first agree that the series corresponds to JACoW requirements. One should not encourage series to apply if there is not a clear chance of being accepted.

3. Stakeholders Meeting, Follow-up and Action

Direct outcome of the Stakeholders meeting:

  • In the near future, focus on new SPMS features to offer Citations of JACoW material:
    • Searchable list of (JACoW) publications per person/institute
    • In the search results, propose the references in a format suitable for JACoW papers, to be cut and pasted by authors onto their works then, develop the new templates with auto-generated wrappers in a test scenario, to be evaluated in the next Stakeholders' meeting. Volker has developed citation formatting guidelines for authors.

Matt will need to modify SPMS in time for testing and implementation at a forthcoming event (HB, HF, PCaPAC, IBIC?) in order to have something concrete to report and demonstrate at the next Stakeholders meeting. He feels he could have something by September.

Ivan will contact Paolo Pierini to invite him to join Chris and Todd to follow this feature request and the development with Matt.

Modifications to templates can be postponed for the time being. The new upload procedure developed and tested by Jan and Matt worked perfectly at IPAC’14. The amount of work involved in cross-checking titles and co-authors was significantly reduced.

Christine asks about the modifications to the Central Repository to include conferences against the names of the Stakeholders who are SPC Chairs and Team Members.

The lists of Stakeholders are already there, but the conferences need to be included.
This will need development by Matt, helped by Ivan, Chris and John.

In response to a question from Matt, the priority for the two developments would be:

  1. List management in SPMS/website.
  2. Searchability of papers plus reference text extraction as above.

4. JACoW 2014 Team Meeting in Melbourne, January 2015

Christine reports that she has contacted the local people in Melbourne to ask that they explore how they may reduce the cost of the registration fee.

She has argued that the JACoW Team is involved in conference organization worldwide, and their presence in Melbourne will be excellent communication and publicity for the venue. She has asked that the rental of conference rooms be either reduced or offered free of charge. She has also proposed to remove the lunches from the fee since all food and beverages provided at convention centres is excessively expensive. Christine has also asked that the local contacts make a concrete proposal for hotel accommodation. She expects that the final proposal will be received within a week or so.

During FEL in Basel, Christine will discuss the programme with Volker and Jan. They will make a proposal for approval of the BoD, prior to setting up the new TM2015 instance, and asking Ivan/Stefano to publish the information about the Team Meeting on

Christine hopes the Team Meeting can be announced early in September allowing 4 months sufficient time to organize participation. She notes that she will as usual copy the invitation to SPC Chairs, underlining the obligation for all conference series to send their editors to the annual Team Meetings. Failure to do so implies sanctions (non-publication on JACoW). She will also emphasize the advantages/necessity of sending IT and Registration Managers.

In the discussion, the question of how long SPMS instances should be maintained is again raised. Christine, backed by Todd, certainly prefers to be able to check back on previous instances in the conference series, meaning lifetimes of several conferences. Volker appreciates being able to test new scripts on old conferences.

It is decided that the BoD will from time to time look at the full list of instances and decide which ones to “kill”.

5. Other Business


Ivan notes that the roles of Chair, Deputy Chair, Coordinator and 2 Directors are up for election.

He calls for a volunteer who is not up for election to organize the procedure, to call the election, collect names, proposals, provide dates, ballot papers, etc.

John, who is not sure to be in Melbourne, agrees to describe the procedure clearly, point by point, and organize the setting up. If he is unable to attend the TM, a volunteer to take responsibility for the local organization will be found either among the BoD or within the Team.

Multiple Affiliations in Profiles

Volker demonstrates a new functionality to list authors and institutes (similar to what we are aiming for under item 3). This is very promising, though he is running into serious difficulties with the numerous affiliations attached to a number of profiles.

Christine remarks that:

  1. affiliations "deleted" from profiles reappear as possible affiliations in the functionality to add co-authors to contributions
  2. the indication of the "current" affiliation should be a required field
  3. the number of affiliations that can be entered should be limited
  4. it is perhaps time to send a reminder/explanation to all profile holders to keep their profiles/affiliations "clean".

JACoW Mailing Lists

Christine reports that she will shortly publish new information on

  1. Brochure on Future Accelerator Projects and Upgrades
  2. Analysis of the Responses to the Questionnaire distributed to representatives of industry during IPAC'14

She will exceptionally use the JACoW mailing lists to:

  1. Inform the Industry Mailing List of the publication of the above
  2. Inform the JACoW SPC Stakeholders of the sponsorship of PRST-AB, and encourage other series than IPAC to join the initiative
  3. Seek the interest of industry in supporting the IPAC student grant programme.