Summary Notes of the Sixteenth Meeting of the JACoW Board of DirectorsJune 29, 2017 Present: Ivan Andrian, Todd Satogata, Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, David Button, Volker RW Schaa 1. Approval of Notes of JBoD #15The Notes of the meeting of 8 February are approved without modification. 2. Status of Preparation of Next TMDavid has distributed a skeleton programme with titles and speakers. It shows an overview of the week, with some speakers proposed. Volker asks that the "heavy" topics be moved to just after lunch instead of end afternoon. David will also chat with Chris concerning the organization of the proceedings office talk, and will contact individual BoD members on other issues. He will update the list of talks/speakers and with final topics/speakers for approval of the Board in the coming week. The wiki is now almost complete with local arrangements prepared by Ning. Chris will work with Ning to correct some inconsistencies. She will ask Ning to remove the cost of the excursion from the Registration Fee since it should be an optional extra. She will also establish with Ning how the fees should be paid: via Indico (see below), or in cash as the team members arrive. It is decided that the organization of TM'17 will be a good opportunity to test the new JACoW Indico instance. Todd volunteers to contact the Indico people at CERN to request the creation of an Event to be used for registration of participants, and the programme. Todd mentions that the upgrade is just now coming into operation. He anticipates there is a little work necessary to back the Central Repository to it and that it will take a couple of weeks to get it into shape. He will ask that it be available early in September. Thus, in the coming week or so (before mid-July) the wiki should be finalized concerning local arrangements (mention can be made of the future Indico event), and the list of topics with speakers should be finalized by the BoD. As soon as the list of topics/speakers is finalized David will proceed with the invitations. The wiki will contain ONLY the topics, without the speakers. With the above, Christine will write to Team Members to officially announce the TM, and encourage them to move forward with their preparations. They will be asked at this time to carefully study the list of topics, and contact us with any proposals for talks to be added within a deadline of about three weeks. As soon as proposals are received, David will finalize the SCHEDULE for publication on the wiki. It is noted that Jana will be the TM'17 Rapporteur, in line with the decision that a Team Member from the next IPAC event undertakes this task. Precise instructions for the Rapporteur are necessary to ensure that the Rapporteur's summing up can be used as the "feuille de route" for the JACoW Collaboration over the following year. 3. Problem of PAC'97 proceedings (external images), PAC'95 (PDF links) etc.It appears that the PAC'95 and '97 proceedings are inconsistent from other JACoW conferences. Java script links used in the early days are not working so well any more. Some browsers work less well than others. Todd has already discussed this issue with John Poole. Some more analysis is needed. Todd will follow this up with John. 4. Elections at TM'17On Ivan's behalf, Christine will invite Ronny to act as Elections Coordinator again this year. Ivan further notes that three BoD mandates expire this year: Chair, Deputy and Coordinator. Ivan has funding to continue as Chair and he will stand for re-election. Todd needs more time in view of the change of Management at JLab. He will know in the coming weeks whether he is able to stand for re-election. Chris is willing to stand again, but if there is a desire to bring somebody else on board, she would be willing to stand down. She will follow the guidance of Ivan and Todd. 5. IPAC17 and EPS-AG Referee Pilot Project Follow upBased on the experience at IPAC'17, it is necessary to think about the procedure for future events. The EPS-AG is happy with the 2017 pilot scheme. The project was successful though there is room for optimization. The refereeing part did not interfere with the work in the proceedings office. Right now the refereed papers are almost finished being re-formatted for publication by IOP. The deadline was end May/early June, postponed to end June because not all papers were ready. David mentions some improvements required in SPMS (how about Indico? Author's note ...) to ensure referee anonymity. Matt is working on it. Ralph Assmann managed the refereeing procedure. It was a full time job, run separately from the conference organization. Ralph was elected as the next EPS-AG/IPAC'20 SPC Chair. He will thus succeed Mike Seidel, the current IPAC'20 OC Chair, and become EPS-AG/IPAC'23 OC Chair. For IPAC'18, the APS DPB Publication Committee Chair, Alex Bogasz, will take on this role. The IPACCC and IOP agree that IPAC will continue with IOP for the refereed versions of the IPAC proceedings. The PAC OC has agreed. Todd will see whether there is an MOU. In response to a question from David, it is agreed that Todd is definitely the best person to cover this topic during the TM. 6. AOBIndico. Version 2.0 is imminent. It is noted that the link between Indico and the Central Repository is likely broken and will need to be fixed. Publication Ethics Statement. Volker reports that earlier this year he reported to the Board that indexing JACoW proceedings in SCOPUS requires an "ethics and malpractice statement". He met the people in May, but JACoW's position doesn't match the SCOPUS statement since it concerns refereed journals. He asks whether Todd could check with colleagues at other labs to find out how it is handled elsewhere. Argonne is pretty strict ... Todd notes that IEEE historically published all of the PAC events. IEEE has an ethics statement and documents. Some don't reference peer review so they might be more appropriate. Todd will work on this with Volker within a couple of weeks. JACoW Website. Volker notes that the editors of several events are missing: SRF'17 COOL'17 Christine will follow up. Acrobat/Pitstop Licenses. Christine asks what is the situation concerning the purchase of the Acrobat/Pitstop Licenses. She undertakes to write AGAIN to EPS to find out whether the 3000 Euros requested from IPACs '16, '17 and '18 have been received (*). Once that is known, it will be necessary to decide where to purchase the software. Ivan will ask the Elettra Adobe Supplier to understand the requirements to buy an educational or a fully fledged permanent license. He will also check with Ronny as to whether the JACoW software might be purchased through CERN. ICALEPCS'17 Request To Accept ITER Papers with a different License. Ivan was at ESRF and met David Fernandez who received the same request as before with IALEPCS. They accept JACoW's decision not to accept the ITER request as a reasonable one. (*) EPS has confirmed the 3000 Euros contributions from IPACs '16, '17 and '18 have been received. |